The One Reason

There are so many different religious options today.   The number of distinct denominations is estimated to be in the thousands.  The word denominate means to name or designate. There are at least a dozen various names of religious bodies and faiths that are found in my community.  Why all the division?

I am occasionally asked why I worship where I do.  I guess the question that really should be addressed is “Why am I a member of this particular church?”  Let me consider several possibilities.

Is it because it meets for worship on the first day of the week?

Is it because it observes the Lord’s Supper each and every Sunday as opposed to quarterly or on certain holy days throughout the year?

Is it because it believes in the penitent believer’s immersion for the remission of sins as opposed to the recitation of a sinner’s prayer?

Is it because the worship is composed of, among other things, singing without the accompaniment of instruments?

Is it because it is not a part of some ecclesiastical organization but has each autonomous congregation operating independently under the oversight of a plurality of elders?

Is it because it believes Christ is the head of the church, serving as our High Priest, with all members making up a royal priesthood operating underneath His sole authority?

Is it because it believes the Bible to be the inspired word of GOD, and is the sole authority for our spiritual direction with no other books needed or able to make that claim?

Is it because its members are referred to only as Christians?

Is it because it believes that a person forgiven of their sins can still choose to live in such a way so as to fall from grace and be eternally lost?

Is it because it believes the Lord is returning one day to gather the saints for their heavenly reward but it does not believe the Lord is returning to earth to set up an earthly kingdom in the Middle East to reign 1000 years?

The answer to all of these is an emphatic yes!!  All of these along with other truths form the basis or the foundation of my faith and are rooted in the pages of the New Testament.

But these are not the reasons I am a member of the church.  I am a member of the church, the body of Christ (Eph 1:22, 23), because Jesus died for my sins (1 Cor 15:3), and I have been justified by the blood of Christ (Rom 5:9) because of my obedience to that form of doctrine (Rom 6:17; 6:3, 4), and thus GOD added me to the church (Acts 2:47).

Why am I a member of the church?  The reason is quite simple.  I am a member of the church because GOD added me to it!

According to Scripture, that makes the following statements true.

I am a member of the church of the Living GOD.  (1 Tim 3:15)

I am a member of the church.  (Acts 2:47)

I am a member of the body of Christ.  (Eph 1:22)

I am a member of the church of the first born.  (Heb 12:23)

I am a member of the kingdom of the Son of His love.  (Col 1:13)

I am a member of the household of GOD.  (Eph 2:19)

I am a member of the flock.  (1 Pet 5:3; Acts 20:28)

I am a member of that blood bought institution, the church of GOD.  (1 Cor 1:2, Acts 20:28)

I am a member of a local congregation that is part of the churches of Christ.  (Rom 16:16)

I choose to assemble and worship with those of like-minded faith. (Rom 15:5)

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