Paw Paw and the Visiting Preacher

My Teresa taught school for many years. Early in her teaching career, she met an older gentleman on the staff at her school that shared an interesting story with her. He said that in his younger days he was a traveling preacher. His travels carried him throughout North Alabama and he once stayed overnight with my grandparents! He told Teresa of an incident that had happened many, many years earlier but it still had a profound influence on him, even in his older years.

He was there to preach at a little country church and he awoke early. He needed some fresh air and decided to take a walk in the woods. He came upon my grandfather in the woods, on his knees, praying. And the thing that impacted the young preacher the most? My grandfather was praying for him! He really didn’t know him but here was this older gentleman praying for the young preacher calling him by name. That made an impression on that young man that he still carried with him in his older years.

Only recently I saw the preacher’s name, now an old man, in the obituary column of our local paper and was reminded of the story. As I reflect on the story, the one thing with which I am faced is that my prayer life needs to grow.

James 5:16 tells us that prayer is powerful. Do we avail ourselves of this powerful tool as often as we should? How many lives could be changed if we were diligent in our prayer lives? How many people do I call by name in my prayers?

Did you know the first recorded prayer in Scripture is a father praying for his children? Genesis 17:18 records a short prayer of Abraham for his son, Ishmael. If you are a father, I hope you regularly pray for your children.

And I hope your prayers are more than just “bless my children.” Pray for each child individually. Call them by name. Specify the unique needs in each child. For example, if one of your children needs help with kindness, remember the words of Ephesians 4:32 and ask GOD to help that child in that particular area.

There are so many verses in Scripture that have to do with youth. As the child ages, verses like 2 Timothy 2:22 come to mind. Help him O GOD, as he is particularly vulnerable right now to sins of the flesh. Help him to flee those youthful desires and to pursue righteous things. Increase his faith today. Surround him today with those influences who will help him make good choices.

I am certain that you pray for your family. I know you call their names in prayer. But what about others? The Bible tells us to pray even for our enemies. When was the last time you called the name of an enemy in prayer?

If you have ever had anyone pray for you and call you by name it will make an impact on you. More importantly your name is being brought before the Majestic Throne of Heaven.

I don’t know that my grandfather prayed for me. I suspect he did. What I do know is that I pray for my grandchildren and even their children. I may not live to see them but I pray for them. My life has been blessed and it could be because of prayers offered for me in times past.

LORD help me to be a man of prayer.

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1 Response to Paw Paw and the Visiting Preacher

  1. Yvonne McCullar says:

    Thank you Glenn for that message!
    Pray for me..
    Been sick for 3 or more weeks.
    Doctor sent me for x-ray because was concerned I have pneumonia, but no. I Think just the disease progressing.

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