Our Father

I have two sons and have treasured a father son relationship since I first became a father. I know the depth of love a father feels for his children. I know the lengths a father would go to assure the welfare of his children. I know the blessing of fatherhood here is priceless to use the phrase from the commercial.

Following the example of the model prayer, I quite frequently begin my prayers to GOD as “Our father in heaven.” And I am forever thankful He chose this relationship to use as a model. I know my earthly relationships pale in comparison to our relationship to Him. I cannot fathom the love my GOD has for me but this address does help me to have an appreciation for it. It helps me understand His approachability, His compassion, His desire for me to be saved, etc.

Think for a moment how radical that address was for the Jews of Jesus’ day. Throughout history the Jews had such respect for Jehovah GOD that they would not even utter His Name. I am told the scribes of the Old Testament would even stop the transcription process and bathe when they came to His Name before proceeding. And yet here is Jesus teaching the disciples how to pray by saying begin your prayers addressing GOD as Our Father. This must have seemed revolutionary to the disciples.

This is easy to understand in light of the New Covenant that Jesus was ushering in. Prior to this time, the Jews’ access to GOD was very limited. Access could be gained only through the high priest. And even the high priest could go before Him only one time each year on the Day of Atonement. But under this New Covenant we are all referred to as priests (1 Peter 2:9). We all have unlimited access to GOD the Father if we are in a covenant relationship with Him.

Be grateful for the privilege of addressing Him as Father. And live a life of faithful obedience so that one day He will be glad to call you His child.

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