I heard someone recently complaining about a person who monopolizes the conversation. He said the person just takes over a meeting and does all the talking. It was said that this person obviously likes to hear himself talk. We all are probably thinking of someone we know like that.
My friend made the following comment to the talker. He said, “Look you came here to talk; I came here to listen. If I finish before you do, don’t be offended if I get up and leave.” That’s pretty funny.
It has been said that GOD gave us two ears and one mouth so we would listen twice as much as we talk. But just think about this, how many really good listeners do you know? A good listener, one who is truly interested in what others have to say, will never lack for friends.
I have also heard it said that when we talk we are repeating what we already know. If we wish to learn something new we need to listen.
I know of few subjects of which the Bible has more to say than it does about the tongue and talking. It also has much to say about listening.
Proverbs 25:11 – A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. The key is “fitly spoken”. May we carefully choose our words.
James 3 discusses the tongue. James uses bits in horses’ mouths and the small rudder on ships to illustrate how the tongue directs us. He then uses a forest fire to note how the tongue can destroy. Finally, he observes how the tongue displays the heart when he says, out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing.
And let us note what the Bible has to say about listening.
Mark 4:24 says, “Take heed what you hear.” Luke 8:18 says, “Take heed how you hear.” There is much wisdom in both of these passages.
James 1:19 reads, “So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” If you are one who follows this advice, chances are great I won’t finish listening before you finish talking!