What you think

You are not what you think you are but what you think, you are.

Let us take the first part – You are not what you think you are.

People usually have an inflated opinion of self.  Too often we are like the Pharisee in Luke 18 with a high regard to self.  Granted in some cases, one’s self esteem is too low.  But I suspect that is an exception rather than the rule.  There are too many verses in Scripture urging humility for it not to be a problem.  See Philippians 2:5-8, James 4:10, et al.  With a high opinion of self, in most cases, we are not what we think we are.

Now continuing the rest of the sentence, “but what you think, you are” so says the Bible in one of my favorite passages.

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  Proverbs 23:7

Simply put, one may fool the outside world but the thoughts define the real person.  Much has been said about this verse and the importance of controlling our thoughts.  Paul gives us a list of healthy things on which to meditate in Philippians 4:8.  Here it is said we should think on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report.  It is indeed important on what we think.  It is in this respect that we are what we think.

For today I would like to use Proverbs 23:7 for a different line of thought.  I submit for your thoughts today an idea that really doesn’t have anything to do with self-esteem or how you see yourself.  Rather today let us think of 2 necessary components in our spiritual walk.

You see there are 2 aspects of our spirituality, that is, our emotion and our intellect.  Actually there is a third, the will, but we will visit that another time.  Consider some passages related to the emotion and intellect.  John 4:24 refers to them as spirit and truth.  Joshua 24:14 refers to them as sincerity and truth.  Ecclesiastes 12:13 says fear GOD (emotion) and keep His commandments (truth).  These two aspects are found throughout the Bible and they are both present in Proverbs 23:7.

In Proverbs 23:7 the word “thinks” represents the intellect.  The “heart” is the seat of the emotion.

Both of these qualities are necessary in our spiritual life.  To have one without the other is a fatal flaw spiritually speaking.  Consider the following:

  • Emotion without the truth. This is described by Paul in the Roman letter (10:2) when he said, “they have a zeal for GOD but not according to knowledge.”  They had the emotion or zeal yet it was not according to knowledge or truth.  I am afraid much of the religious world today would be described likewise.  This would be one not so much interested in what the Bible has to say as what “I feel.”  There are some powerful television evangelists that speak an encouraging message yet when I hear them speak I rarely hear GOD’S word referenced.  The message seems to be more about what the hearer can become or what they can have.  Oh sure, GOD’S Name may be mentioned but “book, chapter, and verse” is seldom mentioned.

 The other extreme is just as dangerous.

  •  The intellect without emotion. Paul in writing to the Ephesians (4:15) stated we should be speaking the truth in love.  It is a travesty to have the truth and yet not be able to convey it with a sense of compassion for the lost.

Let us be thinkers.  Let us be interested in what GOD has to say about the matter. Let us study to improve the intellect.  There is truth according to John 17:17.  Let us be knowledgeable of that truth.

But then let us concern ourselves with the emotional side as well and pray the prayer of David (Psalm 51:10) and ask GOD to give us a clean heart.  May we have compassion on those around us as we share the truth.

As a man thinks in his heart…

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